Wednesday 16 December 2015

Social Media, Marketing and Blogging.
I like this blog as all the colours complement each other and the pages are clearly set out. The names of the magazine articles are clear. I would take the layout to take to my own blog as it is clear.
I dislike this blog as the format isn't clear although this blog has some features which many other blogs don't offer. I would take the explore artists feature to my blog as I think it gives the opportunity to discover new inspirational artists.
I think this blog wouldn't draw in the attention of a younger audience as it's very information orientated and doesn't have a clear layout.
I like the layout of this blog as the layout is easier to view; also as you are viewing one post at a time, it may draw the attention of the viewer to read that article. The blog also offers posts on the side; I would take this to my own blog.
I like this blog as the format is clear and it's informative without it being too much.
I like this blog as it suggests galleries to go see, different artists work look into and what they're inspired by.  


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