Wednesday 2 March 2016

The Art Review Power List

1. Iwan & Manuela Wirth
Major gallerists.

2. Ai Weiwei
Artist and social activist, prominent in reconnecting art with issues of social and cultural value.

3.David Zwirner
The head of a New York and London gallery empire with an impressive reputation and spaces to match.

4.Hans Ulrich Obrist & Julia Peyton-Jones
Directors of the Serpentine Galleries, with HUO as the initiator of numerous extracurricular international art projects and exhibitions.

5.Nicholas Serota
Director of Tate gallery.

6. Larry Gagosian
Established gallerist with 13 venues worldwide putting on museum-quality exhibitions.

7. Glenn D. Lowry
Director Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York.

8. Marina Abramović
Performance artist.

9. Adam D. Weinberg
Director of the Whitney Museum of American Art.

10. Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev
Curator of the 2015 Istanbul Biennial.
Iwan & Manuela Wirth:

 The Iwan & Manuela Wirth galleries, are ‘multi-purpose art centres’ that presents landscaped gardens, a schools programme, artist residencies, a restaurant and an estate shop selling increasingly local produce.
After nine months after opening, the Somerset gallery welcomed its 100,000th visitor, although the gallery is presented in a town whose inhabitants barely number 3,000.